Author: Malcolm Bowie
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1)
- IN: Proust Among the Stars (1998) Fiction, British
EPIGRAPH: Sind wir nicht auch ein Weltgebaude, so gut als der Sternenhimmel, und eines das wir besser kennen solten, und besser kennen konnten, sollte man denken, als das dort oben?
FROM: Gedankenbucher, (1963), Book, Germany
- NULL (1)
- IN: Proust Among the Stars (1998) Fiction, British
EPIGRAPH: Are we too not a cosmic system, and one we know better, or at least ought to know better, than we do the heavenly firmament?
FROM: Notebooks, (None), Book, NULL
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1)
- IN: Proust Among the Stars (1998) Fiction, British
EPIGRAPH: It would indeed give me a certain household joy to quit this lofty speaking, this spiritual astronomy, or search of stars, and come down to warm sympathies with you; but then I know well I shall mourn always the vanishing of my mighty gods.
FROM: Friendship, (1841), Essay, US
- Velimir Khlebnikov (1)
- IN: Proust Among the Stars (1998) Fiction, British
EPIGRAPH: Let the milky way be split into the milky way of inventor/explorers and the milky way of investor/exploiters.
FROM: The Trumpet of the Martians, (1916), Book, Russia